10-th Annual Meeting of NPSC, December 5th, 2024
Publication date: 16.12.2024
On 5 December 2024, the National Payment System Committee (NPSC) held its meeting, hosted by the Committee Chair and First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Albania, Ms Luljeta Minxhozi.
The Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr Gent Sejko, delivered the opening speech of this forum, stating that the last decade has marked a revolution for the payment area in Albanian market, with a radical transformation of every aspect. The Governor highlighted that the Bank of Albania has been a leader in this transformation, showing proactive in regard to technological changes in the international payments environment, and guiding the market towards the controlled adoption of these alterations. Two crucial moments have crowned the Bank of Albania's multi-year work as a catalyst for developments in the digitalization field in 2024. First, is the decision of the European Payments Council to include Albania in the geographical scope of SEPA payment schemes, and second is the operationalization of open banking.
Discussions in the 10th NPCS meeting focused on the priority projects in the field of payments: open banking, market participant’s adherance to SEPA schemes and the devolopemnt of instant payment system in Albania.
The attached documents relating to the tenth meeting of NPSC:
- Development of open banking in Albania and the establishment of payment initiation and payment account information providers (Mr. Deniz Dërralla - Bank of Albania, presentation in Albanian)
- Easypay - Experience of the first PSP operating with open banking (Ms. Linda Shomo – EasyPay)
- Financial education with PIGI (Mr. Bora Selenica, Irena Matraku –, presentation in Albanian)
- Adhering to the EPC schemes - Legal and Operational Requirements (Ms. Silvia Di Lillo – EPC)
- Importance of SEPA membership for Albanian market (Mr. Holti Banka – World Bank)
- Instant Payment project at BoA (Mrs. Valentina Semi – Bank of Albania)
- Standardization of QR code and its usage for instant payments in Albania (Mr. Claudio Ceresani – World Bank)
- Evolution of Instant Payment – Hungarian example (Mr. Kiszely Róbert – CAPSYS)
- Instant Payments – Optimizing adoption and maximising benefits (Mr. Deniss Filipovs – Tietoevry)
- Instant Payments EcoMr. Mircea Romantan – Montran)
- Instant Payments – experice of TAS and Deda.bit
Meetings of the NPSC
- 10-th Annual Meeting of NPSC, December 5th, 2024
- Ninth annual meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee, December 13th, 2023
- Eighth annual meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee, December 9th, 2022
- Seventh meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee, December 16th, 2021
- Sixth Meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee 17 December 2020
- Fifth Meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee 1 October 2019
- Fourth Meeting of the National Payment Systems Committee 20 June 2018