Page 40 - 1, 2, 3... Cufo Piglet is Learning to Save
P. 40
“What if ...? What if I
buy him a story book?”
– thought Cufo aloud
and then turned to
Curly. “Yes, yes, a story
book I will buy him!
“Pep plays guitar all the
time. As for stories, he’s
really lagged behind”
continued Cufo, trying
to convince Curly,
though the puppy was
not contradicting him.
Pep gander has his birthday tomorrow and Cufo hasn’t bought his present yet.
But now that he has finally decided what to buy, half of work is done. Goldlets
are still an issue. Cufo is sure that his mom will help him because whenever
it comes to his friends’ birthdays, she willingly gives him goldlets. “If only she
were so willing even when I ask her to buy cherry cake with blackberry syrup!”-
thought Cufo regretfully. “They are much cheaper than books! With 10 goldlets
I can buy 5 pieces of cake.”
Cufo’s prediction proved true. As in other birthdays, his mother gave him 12
goldlets and advised him to be careful with them and buy something beautiful for
little Pep.