Monetary instruments regulatory framework
- Decision nr. 50 on the Approval of an amendment in the regulation ''On minimum reserve requirements held by banks with the Bank of Albania,” as amended
- Decision nr. 32 on the approval of interest rate applied for the remuneration of the required reserves and excess reserves of banks''
- Decision nr. 80 on the approval of the regulation “Procedures of the Bank of Albania's intervention in the domestic foreign exchange market”
- Decision nr.21 on the approval of amendments in the regulation "On minimum reserve requirements maintained by banks with the Bank of Albania” on the content of annexes
- Approval of the use of the reserve requirements in ALL by banks
- Approval of required reserve ratio held by banks with the Bank of Albania
- Decision No10/2018 "On minimum reserve requirements held by banks with the Bank of Albania”
- Agreement on the organisation of Albanian Government Securities Auctions, Settlement of Operations and the Maintenance of the Securities Register
- Decision No. 29, dated 16.05.2012 approval of regulation "On the minimum required reserve maintained by banks with the Bank of Albania"
- Regulation on the liquidity supporting loan
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