Banks are financial institutions the business of which is to take deposits or other repayable funds from the public and use them for granting credits and placement on their behalf and for their account, as well as to carry out other financial activities, in accordance with the relevant stipulations in the legal framework.
Currently, 11 banks operate in Albania, with domestic and foreign capital.
List of licensed banks
American Bank of Investment S.A.
Address: Street of Kavaja, Nr. 59, Tirana Tower, Tirana
No and Date of License: | Nr. 14, datë 28.10.1999 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J91725007P |
Tel: | 2258 755, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 |
Fax: | 2258 752 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Andi Ballta |
Members of the Steering Council : |
Edmond Coku Rezzo Schlauch Brunilda Papa Andi Ballta Kathryn Swintek |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
TRANZIT SH.P.K., Albania | 100% |
Credins Bank S.A.
Address: Municipal Borough no. 5, street "Vaso Pasha", No. 8, Tirana
No and Date of License: | nr. 16, datë 31.03.2003 |
NUIS/NIPT: | K31608801O |
Tel: | 04 2234 096 / 2250 994 / 2233 912 / 2258 252 |
Fax: | 2222 916 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Maltin KORKUTI |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Saimir SALLAKU |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
Renis Tershana | 18.16 %, |
Aleksander Pilo | 7.68 %, |
B.F.S.E. Holding B.V., Netherlands | 15.13 %, |
Amryta Capital LLP, United Kindom | 6.42 %. |
First Investment Bank, Albania S.A.
Address: Blv. "Dëshmorët e Kombit", Twin Towers Buildings 2, 14 floor, Tirana
No and Date of License: | Nr. 19, date 06.07.2007 |
NUIS/NIPT: | K72014801J |
Tel: | 355 4 2276 702 / 3 |
Fax: | 355 4 2280 210 |
Web: | |
CEO: | Bozhidar Todorov |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Bozhidar Todorov ( permanent ad hoc representative) Stanimir Mutafchiev Ina Paskaleva – Mitreva Nikolai Sergeevich Dragomiretzki Ianko Karakolev |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
First Investment Bank AD, Bullgari | 100% |
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania S.A.
Address: Street “Ismail Qemali”, No. 27, P.O. Box 8319, Tirana
No and Date of License | Nr. 11, datë 10.08.1998 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J81817006P |
Tel: | 04 2276 000 |
Fax: | 04 2248 762 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Alessandro D'Oria |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Bozo Prka Beáta Kissné Földi Alessandro D'Oria Gabriele Gherardi Achille Galdini Amina Carnabuci Konrad Kozik |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
Intesa SanPaolo S.p.A., Itali | 100% |
National Commercial Bank S.A.
Address: Rruga e Vilave, Lundër 1, Tiranë, Kodi postar 1045.
No and Date of License | nr. 6/1998, date 11.01.1999 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J62001011Q |
Tel: | 2250 955 |
Fax: | 2250 956 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Seyhan Mehmet PENCABLIGIL |
Members of the Steering Council : |
Mehmet USTA Seyhan Mehmet PENCABLIGIL Ahmet Galip TOZGE Mert Turgut Çalik Serdar Sümer |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
Çalik Holding A.Ş., Turqi | 100% |
OTP Bank Albania S.A
Address: Boulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit", Twin Towers, Buildings 1, 9 floor, Tirana
No and Date of License: | no. 17, dt 16.02.2004 |
NUIS/NIPT: | K41424801U |
Tel: | 2280 442 / 3; 068 (69) 40 12 121 |
Fax: | 2280 441 |
Web: | |
CEO: | Bledar Shella |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Janos Veres Gábor Kolics Ors Levente Szilagyi Stavri Pashko Armand Duka Ors Levente Orsolya Csilla Kovacs Ilir Ciko |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
OTP Bank Nyrt, Hungary | 100% |
Procredit Bank S.A.
Address: Street "Dritan Hoxha", Nd. 92, H. 15, Municipal Borough nr. 11, Postal Code 1026, Tirana
No and Date of License: | nr. 12, datë 15.03.1999 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J91524011J |
Tel: | 04 2389 300 |
Fax: | 04 2233 918 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Mirsad Haliti |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Eriola BIBOLLI Jovanka Joleska POPOVSKA Jordan DAMCHEVSKI Christian Edgardo DAGROSA Gabriel Isaac Schor |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
PROCREDIT HOLDING AG, Germany. | 100% |
Raiffeisen Bank S.A.
Address: Kavaja Street, Building 71, N.1, App. 4, Tirana
No and Date of License: | nr. 02/1998, date 11.01.1999 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J61911005B |
Tel: | 35542274910 |
Fax: | 35542275599 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Christian CANACARIS |
Members of the Steering Council: | Marie Valerie BRUNNER Heinz WIEDNDER Thomas MATEJKA Harald KREUZMAIR Petro MERKULOV |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
Raiffeisen SEE Region Holding GmbH, Austria | 100% |
Tirana Bank S.A.
Address: Street "Ibrahim Rugova", Tiranë
No and Date of License : | nr. 07, dt. 12.09.1996 |
Tel: | 2269 616 / 7 / 8, 2233 441 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 |
Fax: | 2233 417 / 2369 707 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Dritan MUSTAFA |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Steven Gordon Grunerud Hubert de Saint Jean Ernst Welteke Periklis Drougkas Dritan Mustafa |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
100 %
Union Bank S.A.
Address: Blv. "Zogu I", 13 floor building, in front of Train Station, Tirana
No and Date of License: | no. 18, dt 09.01.2006 |
NUIS/NIPT: | K51807801R |
Tel: | 22 50 653 / 22 58 081 |
Fax: | 22 50 654 / 22 72 880 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Flutura VEIPI |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Edmond LEKA Niko LEKA Gazmend KADRIU Varuzhan PIRANJAN Henry Russell Teuta Baleta Flutura VEIPI Kreshnik Dibra Mergim Cahani |
Shareholders holding over 5% of capitalksionerë me pjesëm: | % |
Union Financiar Tiranë, Albania | 89.72% |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom | 6.74% |
United Bank of Albania S.A.
Address: Municipal Borough nr. 7, street "Dritan Hoxha", Building nr. 11, Gate 3, postal code 1023, Tirana.
No and Date of License; | Nr. 3/1998,date 11.01.1999 |
NUIS/NIPT: | J91811004Q |
Tel: | 240 45 75 / 76 / 77 |
Fax: | 240 45 58 |
Web: | | |
CEO: | Orfea DHUCI |
Members of the Steering Council: |
Ilir ÇEKIRI Arben Zibri. Mateo Spaho Jemin GJANA Bora Feri
Shareholders holding over 5% of capital: | % |
Islamic Development Bank, Arabia Saudite | 31.87 % |
EUROSIG SHA, Albania | 66.26 % |