Sectoral balance sheet of banks


 Table  Index


  • - Financial Soundness Indicators [Bank of Albania] (Quarterly)
  • - Income and expenditure of banking system (in millions of leks) [Bank of Albania] (Quarterly)
  • - Income and expenditure of banking system (in millions of leks) [Bank of Albania] (Quarterly)
  • - Income and expenditure structure [Bank of Albania] (Quarterly)
    • - S1 - 
    • - 1 - Income structure ( in %)
    • - 1.1 - Total income
    • - 1.2 - 1. Interest income
    • - 1.3 - 1.1. Treasury and interbank transactions
    • - 1.4 - 1.2. Interest received from customers
    • - 2 - 1.3. Interest received from securities
    • - 2.1 - 1.4. Other Intereset Received
    • - 2.2 - 2. Income from other operations
    • - 2.3 - 2.1. Income from operation with securities
    • - S3 - 2.2. Commision income
    • - 3 - 2.3. Leasing income
    • - 3.1 - 2.4. Other Income from banking operations
    • - 3.2 - 2.5. Profit from exchange operation
    • - 3.3 - 2.6. Profit from securities transactions
    • - S7 - 
    • - S4 - 3. Transfers from reserve funds for amortization of tangible assets
    • - 4 - 4. Transfers from reserve funds for devaluation of payable accounts
    • - 4.1 - 5. Extraordinary income
    • - 4.2 - 
    • - 4.3 - Expenses structure ( in %)
    • - 5 - Total expenses
    • - 6 - 1. Interest expenses
    • - 7 - 1.1. Interest from Treasury and interbank transactions
    • - 8 - 1.2. Interest payed from customers
    • - 9 - 1.3. Interest payed for securities
    • - 10 - 1.4. Other Interest Received
    • - 11 - 2. Expenses from other operations
    • - 12 - 2.1. Loss from operations with securities
    • - 13 - 2.2. Commission expenses
    • - 14 - 2.3. Leasing expenses
    • - 15 - 2.4. Other expenses from banking operations
    • - 16 - 2.5. Loss from exchange operations
    • - S5 - 
    • - 17 - 3. Activities expenses
    • - 18 - 3.1. Personel expenses
    • - 19 - 4. Amortization and reserve funds for devaluation of tangible assets
    • - 20 - 5. Loss from payable accounts, expenses for reserve funds
    • - 21 - 6. Extraordinary expenses
    • - 22 - 7. Other tax rather than income tax
    • - 23 - 8. Income tax
  • - Indicators of capital and assets quality [Bank of Albania] (Quarterly)

monetary financial and banking statistics
