Interest rates

Period: Quarterly
Description: Financial Soundness Indicators
Institute: Bank of Albania
Methodology: Bank of Albania compiles aggregated data on Financial soundness Indicators - FSI for banks in the Albanian banking sector. The methodology used for FSI compilation is the IMF Compilation Guide of Financial Soundness Indicatiors, 2006 edition.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
1 Capital-based
    1.1 Regulatory capital as a percent of risk-weighted assets (in %)
       1.1.1 Regulatory capital (million lek)
       1.1.2 Risk-weighted assets (million lek)
    1.2 Regulatory Tier 1 capital as a percent of risk-weighted assets (in %)
    1.3 Capital as a percent of total assets (in %)
       1.3.1 Regulatory Tier 1 capital as a percent of total assets (in %)
       1.3.2 Regulatory capital as a percent of total assets (in %)
       1.3.3 Shareholders' equity as a percent of total assets (in %)
    1.4 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of capital (in %)
       1.4.1 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of regulatory Tier 1 capital (in %)
       1.4.2 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of regulatory capital (in %)
       1.4.3 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of shareholders' equity (in %)
    1.5 Return on equity (ROE) (annual basis) (in %)
    1.6 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of capital (in %)
       1.6.1 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of regulatory Tier 1 capital (in %)
       1.6.2 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of regulatory capital (in %)
       1.6.3 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of shareholders' equity (in %)
2 Asset-based
    2.1 Liquid assets as a percent of total assets
    2.2 Liquid assets as a percent of short-term liabilities (in %)
    2.3 Return on assets (ROA) (annual basis) (in %)
    2.4 Nonperforming loans (gross) as a percent of total loans (in %)
3 Income and expense-based
    3.1 Interest margin to gross income
    3.2 Noninterest expenses to gross income
4 Other
    4.1 Number of banks

monetary financial and banking statistics
