
Period: Monthly
Navigation: Agregate » MONETARY AND FINANCIAL STATISTICS » MONETARY STATISTICS » ARCHIVE » Interest rates ( - December 2022)
Description: Average monthly interest rates for new loans to Household and NPISH, by purpose
Institute: Bank of Albania
Methodology: Weighted average monthly interest rates for new loans to households and non-profit institution serving households (NPISH) by purpose and currency in percentage. Updated the data of September 2016.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
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 Code Index description
1 Average monthly interest rates of new loans in ALL to households and NPISH
    1.1 Overdraft
    1.2 Consuming of non durable goods
    1.3 Consuming of durable goods
    1.4 Loans for house purchase
    1.5 Other lending (loans for other purposes)
       1.5.1 of which: sole proprietorships/partnerships without legal status
2 Average monthly interest rates of new loans in USD to households and NPISH
    2.1 Overdraft
    2.2 Consuming of non durable goods
    2.3 Consuming of durable goods
    2.4 Loans for house purchase
    2.5 Other lending (loans for other purposes)
       2.5.1 of which: sole proprietorships/partnerships without legal status
3 Average monthly interest rates of new loans in EUR to households and NPISH
    3.1 Overdraft
    3.2 Consuming of non durable goods
    3.3 Consuming of durable goods
    3.4 Loans for house purchase
    3.5 Other lending (loans for other purposes)
       3.5.1 of which: sole proprietorships/partnerships without legal status

monetary financial and banking statistics
