Financial Soundness Indicators

Period: Quarterly
Navigation: Agregate » REAL SECTOR STATISTICS
Description: Construcion Cost Index (Q4 2021=100) (%)
Institute: INSTAT
Methodology: The Construction Cost Index for Dwellings (CCI), measures the price performance of the production factors raw materials, labor and other capital expenditures used in the construction of a typical dwelling (8 - 10 floors). The fourth quarter of 2021, serves as the base period for calculating the index (T IV 2021 = 100). Expenditures are classified according to the classification used by EUROSTAT for the Construction Cost Index. Previous indices, have been recalculated with the new base.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
    1. Material Exspenditures
       a. Construction materials
       b. Electric and communication materials
       c. Hydro-sanitary materials
    2. Salary Exspenditures
    3. Machinery Exspenditures
    4. Transport Exspenditures
    5. Energy Exspenditures
    6. Other Costs

