International reserves and foreign currency liquidity module

Period: Monthly
Navigation: Agregate » REAL SECTOR STATISTICS
Description: Consumer Price Index (CPI) December 2020=100
Institute: INSTAT
Methodology: (CPI) measure the change of the prices of a fixed basket of goods and services from base period to the current period. (December 2020=100). The index is based on the structure of (ECOICOP) with 12 main groups of expenditures, totally compatible with the classification of expenditures used by EUROSTAT. The data are updated according to the source institution.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
A Total of all items
    A1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages
    A2 Alcoholic bevereges and tobacco
    A3 Clothing and footwear
    A4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    A5 Furniture household and maintenance
    A6 Medical Care
    A7 Transport
    A8 Communication
    A9 Recreation and culture
    A10 Education service
    A11 Hotels, coffe-house and restaurants
    A12 Miscellaneous goods and services
B Annual change of CPI in %
    B1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages
    B2 Alcoholic bevereges and tobacco
    B3 Clothing and footwear
    B4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    B5 Furniture household and maintenance
    B6 Medical Care
    B7 Transport
    B8 Communication
    B9 Recreation and culture
    B10 Education service
    B11 Hotels, coffe-house and restaurants
       B12 Miscellaneous goods and services
C Monthly change of CPI in %
    C1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages
    C2 Alcoholic bevereges and tobacco
    C3 Clothing and footwear
    C4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    C5 Furniture household and maintenance
    C6 Medical Care
    C7 Transport
    C8 Communication
    C9 Recreation and culture
    C10 Education service
    C11 Hotels, coffe-house and restaurants
    C12 Miscellaneous goods and services

international reserves
