International reserves and foreign currency liquidity module

Period: Monthly
Description: Financial Soundness Indicators (in percentage)
Institute: Bank of Albania
Methodology: The table presents aggregated data on Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI) for banks in the Albanian banking sector. March 2014-December 2015 the data are quarterly. Beginning from January 2016 the data are presented monthly (except the indicators 1.1). In December 2017, time series is revised due to methodological harmonization with Compilation Guide of Financial Soundness Indicators, IMF 2006. Revised indicators: Return on assets and indicators estimated based on gross income.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
1 Capital-based
1.1 Regulatory capital as a percent of risk-weighted assets (in %)
1.1.1 Regulatory capital (million lek)
1.1.2 Risk-weighted assets
1.2 Regulatory Tier 1 capital as a percent of risk-weighted assets (in %)
1.3 Capital as a percent of total assets
1.3.1 Regulatory Tier 1 capital as a percent of total assets
1.3.2 Regulatory capital as a percent of total assets (in %)
1.3.3 Shareholders' equity as a percent of total assets (in %)
1.4 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of capital (in %)
1.4.1 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of regulatory Tier1 capital (in %)
1.4.2 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of regulatory capital (in %)
1.4.3 Nonperforming loans net of provisions as a percent of shareholders' equity (in %)
1.5 Return on equity (ROE) (annual basis) (in%)
1.6 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of capital (in %)
1.6.1 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of regulatory Tier 1 capital (in %)
1.6.2 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of regulatory capital (in %)
1.6.3 Net open position in foreign exchange as a percent of shareholders' capital (in %)
2 Asset-based indicators
2.1 Liquid assets as a percent of total assets (broad measure)
2.2 Liquid assets as a percent of total assets (core measure)
2.3 Liquid assets as a percent of short-term liabilities (broad measure)
2.4 Liquid assets as a percent of short-term liabilities (core measure)
2.5 Return on assets (ROA) (annual basis) (net profit before taxes)
2.6 Nonperforming loans (gross) as a percent of total loans (in %)
3 Income and expense-based
3.1 Interest margin to gross income
3.2 Noninterest expenses to gross income
4 Other
4.1 Number of banks

international reserves
