International reserves and foreign currency liquidity module

Period: Annual
Description: Agriculture
Institute: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection
Methodology: Includes data on Agriculture, Livestock and Agro-industry. Note: Value of products by branches until 2004 is calculated with prices of the year 2000, from 2005 values are calculated with prices of the year 2006. Data are updated according to the source institution revisions.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
A Value of product by branches (at year 2000 prices and 2006 prices)
    A.1 Agriculture (In million ALL)
    A.2 Agroindustry (In million ALL)
    A.3 Fishing (In million ALL)
B Field crop production
    B.1 Wheat (000_tons)
    B.2 Maize (000_tons)
    B.3 Vegetables (000_tons)
    B.4 White beans (000_tons)
    B.5 Tobacco (000_tons)
    B.6 Sugar-beet (000_tons)
    B.7 Forage (000_tons)
C Livestock production
    C.1 Milk (000_tons)
    C.2 Eggs (Mln. pieces)
    C.3 Sheep wool (000_tons)
    C.4 Live weight (000_tons)
D Processing of main agricultural and livestock products
    D.1 Sausage + ham (000_tons)
    D.2 Oil (000_tons)
    D.3 Milk ( hl )
    D.4 Butter (tons)
    D.5 Cheese (000_tons)
    D.6 Prepared fish (000_tons)
    D.7 Flour (000_tons)
    D.8 Soft drinks (hl)
    D.9 Mineral water (hl)
    D.10 Tobacco (000_tons)
E Number of agriculture machineries
    E.1 Tractor with wheels
    E.2 Combine harvestors
    E.3 Mower
    E.4 Sowing machinery

international reserves
