International reserves and foreign currency liquidity module


 Table  Index


Navigation:Agregate » REAL SECTOR STATISTICS
  • - Construcion Cost Index (Q1 2011=100) [INSTAT] (Quarterly)
  • - Construcion Cost Index (Q4 2020=100) (%) [INSTAT] (Quarterly)
  • - Construcion Cost Index (Q4 2021=100) (%) [INSTAT] (Quarterly)
  • - Consumer Price Index (CPI) December 2015=100 [INSTAT] (Monthly)
    • - A - Total of all items
    • -      A1 -  Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    • -      A2 -  Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    • -      A3 -  Clothing and footwear
    • -      A4 -  Rent, water, fuel and power
    • -      A5 -  Furniture household and maintenance
    • -      A6 -  Medical Care
    • -      A7 -  Transport
    • -      A8 -  Communication
    • -      A9 -  Recreation and culture
    • -      A10 -  Education service
    • -      A11 -  Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    • -      A12 -  Goods and various services
    • - S1 - 
    • - B - Annual change of CPI in %
    • -      B1 -  Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    • -      B2 -  Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    • -      B3 -  Clothing and footwear
    • -      B4 -  Rent, water, fuel and power
    • -      B5 -  Furniture household and maintenance
    • -      B6 -  Medical Care
    • -      B7 -  Transport
    • -      B8 -  Communication
    • -      B9 -  Recreation and culture
    • -      B10 -  Education service
    • -      B11 -  Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    • -      B12 -  Goods and various services
    • - S2 - 
    • - C - Monthly change of CPI in %
    • -      C1 -  Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    • -      C2 -  Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    • -      C3 -  Clothing and footwear
    • -      C4 -  Rent, water, fuel and powery
    • -      C5 -  Furniture household and maintenance
    • -      C6 -  Medical Care
    • -      C7 -  Transport
    • -      C8 -  Communication
    • -      C9 -  Recreation and culture
    • -      C10 -  Education service
    • -      C11 -  Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    • -      C12 -  Goods and various services
  • - Consumer Price Index (CPI) December 2020=100 [INSTAT] (Monthly)

international reserves
