Foreign direct investments position

Period: Monthly
Description: Consumer Price Index
Institute: INSTAT
Methodology: CPI calculates the average change of prices paid by consumers for a fixed basket of goods and services compared to a base reference period. From January 2008, CPI is calculated on the new basket basis and includes all country territory. Weights of goods are calculated based in the results of the family budget questionary (October 2006-September 2007). Base period for calculating the index is December 2007=100. Data are updated according to the source institution revisions.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
A Total of all items
    A.1 Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    A.2 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    A.3 Clothing and footwear
    A.4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    A.5 Furniture, households goods and maintenance
    A.6 Medical care
    A.7 Transportation
    A.8 Communication
    A.9 Recreation and culture
    A.10 Education service
    A.11 Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    A.12 Goods and different services
B Annual change of CPI in %
    B.1 Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    B.2 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    B.3 Clothing and footwear
    B.4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    B.5 Furniture, households goods and maintenance
    B.6 Medical care
    B.7 Transportation
    B.8 Communication
    B.9 Recreation and culture
    B.10 Education service
    B.11 Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    B.12 Goods and different services
C Monthly change of CPI in %
    C.1 Food and non-alcoholics beverages
    C.2 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
    C.3 Clothing and footwear
    C.4 Rent, water, fuel and power
    C.5 Furniture, households goods and maintenance
    C.6 Medical care
    C.7 Transportation
    C.8 Communication
    C.9 Recreation and culture
    C.10 Education service
    C.11 Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants
    C.12 Goods and different services

foreign direct investments
