Foreign direct investments flow

Period: Annual
Description: Indicators of employment and incomes
Institute: INSTAT
Methodology: Table presents information on employment, unemployment and income. Data are according to the yearly information published on the INSTAT web page. The population indicator represents population on 1 January.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
I Population (000)
III Working age population
1 Labor force
V Total employment by economic activity (000)
    V.a Agriculture, forest and fishing
    V.b Extracting industry
    V.c Manifacturing Industry
    V.d Industry of Energy, water
    V.e Construction
    V.f Trade
    V.g Hotels and restaurants
    V.h Transport and communication
    V.i Education
    V.j Health care
    V.k Others
2 Total employment by sectors (000)
    2.a Public sector
    2.b Non agriculture private sector
    2.c Agriculture private sector
3 Total registered unemployment (000)
    4 Unemployment rate
5 Wages (Monthly incomes in lek)
    5.a Average wage in state sector
    5.b Official minimum wage

foreign direct investments
