Time series - Exchange rate

Period: Monthly
Description: Template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity
Institute: Bank of Albania
Methodology: The table represents the main items of the reserve template. The items are in millions of usd and in monthly basis. The table is compiled according to the guide of the template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity.

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
I Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets
    I-1 Official reserve assets
       I-1.1 Foreign currency reserves
          I-1.1.1 Securities
          I-1.1.2 Total currency and deposits with:
             I-1.1.2.a other national central banks, BIS and IMF
             I-1.1.2.b banks headquartered in the reporting country
             I-1.1.2.c banks headquartered outside the reporting country
       I-1.2 IMF reserve position
       I-1.3 SDRs
       I-1.4 Gold
          volume in millions of fine troy ounces
       I-1.5 Other reserve assets
          I-1.5.1 Financial derivatives
          I-1.5.2 Loans to nonbank nonresidents
          I-1.5.3 Other
    I-2 Other foreign currency assets
       I-2.1 securities not included in official reserve assets
       I-2.2 deposits not included in official reserve assets
       I-2.3 loans not included in official reserve assets
       I-2.4 financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets
       I-2.5 gold not included in official reserve assets
       I-2.6 other
II Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets
    II-1 Foreign currency loans, securities, and deposits
       II-1.a up to 1 month
       II-1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
       II-1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-1.1 Outflows (-)
          II-1.1.1 Principal
             II-1.1.1.a up to 1 month
             II-1.1.1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
             II-1.1.1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
          II-1.1.2 Interest
             II-1.1.2.a up to 1 month
             II-1.1.2.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
             II-1.1.2.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-1.2 Inflows (+)
          II-1.2.1 Principal
             II-1.2.1.a up to 1 month
             II-1.2.1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
             II-1.2.1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
          II-1.2.2 Interest
             II-1.2.2.a up to 1 month
             II-1.2.2.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
             II-1.2.2.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
    II-2 Aggregate short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency
       II-2.1 Short positions ( - )
          II-2.1.a up to 1 month
          II-2.1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-2.1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-2.2 Long positions (+)
          II-2.2.a up to 1 month
          II-2.2.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-2.2.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
    II-3 Other
       II-3.a up to 1 month
       II-3.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
       II-3.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.1 outflows related to repos (-)
          II-3.1.a up to 1 month
          II-3.1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.2 inflows related to reverse repos (+)
          II-3.2.a up to 1 month
          II-3.2.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.2.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.3 trade credit (-)
          II-3.3.a up to 1 month
          II-3.3.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.3.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.4 trade credit (+)
          II-3.4.a up to 1 month
          II-3.4.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.4.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.5 other accounts payable (-)
          II-3.5.a up to 1 month
          II-3.5.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.5.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       II-3.6 other accounts receivable (+)
          II-3.6.a up to 1 month
          II-3.6.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          II-3.6.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
III Contingent short-term net drains on foreign currency assets
    III-1 Contingent liabilities in foreign currency
       III-1.a up to 1 month
       III-1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
       III-1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       III-1.1 Collateral guarantees on debt
          III-1.1.a up to 1 month
          III-1.1.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          III-1.1.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       III-1.2 Other contingent liabilities
          III-1.2.a up to 1 month
          III-1.2.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
          III-1.2.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
    III-2 Foreign currency securities issued with embedded options
    III-3 Undrawn, unconditional credit lines provided by:
       III-3.a up to 1 month
       III-3.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
       III-3.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       III-3.1 other national monetary authorities, BIS, IMF, and other international organizations
       III-3.2 banks and other financial institutions headquartered in the reporting country (+)
       III-3.3 banks and other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country (+)
    III-4 Undrawn, unconditional credit lines provided to:
       III-4.a up to 1 month
       III-4.b more than 1 and up to 3 months
       III-4.c more than 3 months and up to 1 year
       III-4.1 other national monetary authorities, BIS, IMF, and other international organizations
       III-4.2 banks and other financial institutions headquartered in reporting country (- )
       III-4.3 banks and other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country ( - )
    III-5 Aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency
       III-5.1 Short positions
       III-5.2 Long positions
IV Memo items
    IV-1 To be reported with standard periodicity and timeliness
       IV-1.1 short-term domestic currency debt indexed to the exchange rate
       IV-1.2 financial instruments denominated in foreign currency and settled by other means
       IV-1.3 pledged assets
          IV-1.3.1 included in reserve assets
          IV-1.3.2 included in other foreign currency assets
       IV-1.4 securities lent and on repo
       IV-1.5 financial derivative assets
          IV-1.5.1 forwards
          IV-1.5.2 futures
          IV-1.5.3 swaps
          IV-1.5.4 options
          IV-1.5.5 other
       IV-1.6 derivatives that have a residual maturity greater than one year
    IV-2 To be disclosed less frequently
       IV-2.1 Currency composition of reserves
          IV-2.1.1 currencies in SDR basket
          IV-2.1.2 currencies not in SDR basket

Exhange rate
