Monthly average rate

Period: Annual
Description: Gross Domestic Product
Institute: INSTAT
Methodology: GDP data are at current prices by production approach. For constant price estimations, current prices are deflated with the previous year Consumer Price Index. The methodology for compiling national accounts is based on the European System of Accounts (ESA-1995) and on the "1993 System of National Accounts" (1993 SNA). (Data of 2009 are semi final).

Interval Display mode Format
From:  To:  Graphic
Bar Linear
Fields by Period Periods by Fields
 0 decimals
 1 decimals
 2 decimals
 3 decimals

 Code Index description
I GDP at current prices in millions ALL
II Annual real growth of GDP at constant prices compared to previous year, in %
III Gross Domestic Product per capita
    III.1 Thousands ALL
    III.2 EUR
    III.3 USD
IV Annual real growth of GDP by economic activity compared with previous year prices , in %
    IV.1 Agriculture, hunting and forestry
    IV.2 Industry
       IV.2.1 - Extracting industry
       IV.2.2 - Manufacturing industry
    IV.3 Construction
    IV.4 Total services
       IV.4.1 Trade, hotels and restaurants
       IV.4.2 Transport
       IV.4.3 Post and communication
       IV.4.4 Other services
IV.5 Financial intermediation services measured indirectly
IV.6 Gross value added at basic prices
IV.7 Taxes on products
IV.8 Subsidies on products
V Structure of gross value added by economic activities (current prices)
    V.1 Agriculture, hunting and forestry
    V.2 Industry
       V.2.1 - Extracting industry
       V.2.2 - Manufacturing industry
    V.3 Construction
    V.4 Total Services
       V.4.1 Trade, hotel and restorants
       V.4.2 Transport
       V.4.3 Post and communication
       V.4.4 Other services

Exhange rate
