MREL Report

The report on "Minimum requirement for Regulatory Capital Instruments and Eligible Liabilities - MREL" summarizes the main developments of the banking sector in terms of meeting MREL requirements, in order to ensure that banks maintain sufficient eligible instruments for an effective implementation of the resolution strategy.
After Regulation no. 78/2020 on “Minimum requirement for Regulatory Capital Instruments and Eligible Liabilities - MREL”, Bank of Albania communicates the transitional MREL requirement that banks must meet within the upcoming 12 months and the final MREL requirement that must be completed by 2027.
The report on "Minimum Requirement for Regulatory Capital Instruments and Eligible Liabilities - MREL" provides a broad information on meeting the MREL requirements by banks, banking activity on bond issuances for this purpose, interest rate developments in the financial market and the cost of funding, as well as the impact of the latter on banks’ profitability.
This is the first edition of the MREL report, which focuses on the main developments on meeting the MREL requirements for the period of 2021-2023, and especially the end-year 2023. The report will be periodically updated twice a year.