European Money Quiz in Albania: Promoting Financial Literacy
Publication date: 25.03.2021
On 25 March 2021, the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB), in collaboration with the Bank of Albania and the support of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth and the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA), in the framework of the Global Money Week 2021, organised for the third time, the European Money Quiz. The event was attended by 360 ninth graders across Albania. This year the competition took place online and the participants competed on a team basis through the online platform Kahoot! The event was aired in real time (Livestream) on the YouTube channel of AAB.
This competition has become an annual initiative, aimed at improving the financial literacy of young people.
The first place team is from the 9-year school “Sotir Gurra” in Korça and consists of the pupils: Pandush Kosta and Anastasia Myftarlli.
The winning team will represent Albania in the European final of the Money Quiz, which will take place online on 20 April 2021.
The second place team is from the 9-year school “Turgut Ozal” in Durrës and consists of the pupils: Irjan Kulici and Enid Reka.
The third place team is from the 9-year school “Imelda Lambertini” in Elbasan and consists of the pupils: Erlindjon Kulla and Kevin Eminaj.
Special thanks go to the teachers Mitiana Trungu, Sidorela Capa and Jugerta Kabashi, who organised and prepared the winning teams.
The winners of the first three places of the competition will be awarded with the prizes provided by the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency, as follows:
- First place - ALL 40.000 and participation online in the European final of the Quiz;
- Second place - ALL 30.000;
- Third place - ALL 20.000.
Also, the teachers responsible of the winning teams will receive symbolic gifts by the Bank of Albania, for the commitment and attention dedicated to the activity. We thank all the students and teachers engaged in the realization of this competition!