Decisions by the Supervisory Council, 24 March 2021

Publication date: 24.03.2021


On 24 March 2021, in addition to the decision to keep the policy rate unchanged, at 0.5%,  as well as overnight deposit and overnight loan rates at the Bank of Albania, at 0.1% and 0.9%, respectively, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania reviewed and decided to:

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  • Approve the Financial Statements of the Bank of Albania for the year 2020

The financial statements of the Bank of Albania for the year 2020 are compiled in full compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These statements are audited by Ernst & Young – Authorized Chartered Auditors, branch of Albania. Together with the independent auditor's report, they are an integral part of the Annual Report of the Bank of Albania for 2020.

As at end-2020, the total assets of the Bank of Albania amounted to around ALL 627 billion. Accounting for 47%, investments in debt securities and 32% of banks’ balances- part of the international reserve of the Bank of Albania- have the highest share in total assets.

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  • Grant preliminary approval for additional financial activities by the First Investment Bank, Albania sh.a.

According to this preliminary approval, the First Investment Bank, Albania sh.a. may conduct the additional financial activity of factoring.

The Supervisory Council was also informed on daily functional and operational activities of the Bank of Albania.