Decisions by the Supervisory Council, 2 November 2022
Publication date: 02.11.2022
On 2 November 2022, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania decided to increase: the policy rate to 2.75%; the overnight deposit; and overnight lending rates, to 1.75% and 3.75%, respectively.
In addition to this Decision, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania reviewed and decided to:
- Amend the Regulation on “Capital adequacy ratio” and the Regulation on “Regulatory capital of the bank”
These regulatory amendments aim at further aligning the supervision regulatory framework of the Bank of Albania with the EU Acquis, while considering also the specifics and development levels in the Albanian banking system. These amendments mainly consist in presenting new requirements and reviewing the existing ones on securitization and market risk, aiming the approximation with the relevant EU law, which are compiled or updated in recent years.
The regulatory amendments are also envisaged in the National Plan for European Integration (NPEU) 2022-2024, to be realised during 2023, thus meeting one of the obligations of the Bank of Albania arising from this Plan.
The Supervisory Council was also informed on the daily functional and operational activities of the Bank of Albania.