Celebrating the Global Money Week
Publication date: 10.03.2014
During the Global Money Week, March 10th - March 17th, the Bank of Albania, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Albanian Association of Banks, will undertake several educational activities for 9-grade schools and general high schools.
Global Money Week is a worldwide money celebration that aims to make children and youth aware of being money conscious and financially literate citizens. From March 10th to 17th, partners across the world, coordinated by the Child and Youth Finance International, will hold various activities to increase financial inclusion of children worldwide, teaching them about money, saving, understanding changes in the economic systems they live in, earning money through entrepreneurship, building their foundations for the future.
Over the years, the Bank of Albania has been engaged in financial education of the public through numerous activities, publication of educational brochures, the elective module 'Personal Finance in your Hands', and the educational package '1, 2, 3 ... Cufo Piglet is Learning to Save'.
Activities on the Global Money Week include a children's educational puppet show called 'Çufo and Tip - An adventure with goldlets', staged on March 10th, 2014, at the Tirana Puppet Theatre, attended by the Governor of the Bank of Albania, representatives of diplomatic corps, government and banks. During the ceremony held on this occasion, Governor Fullani stressed the importance of financial education of the public and Bank of Albania's serious commitment to it.
The second activity for I-III grades, invites children to take part in a drawings competition 'My Money'. The drawings will be posted on Bank of Albania's educational Facebook page and will be voted by the public. Ten drawings with the highest number of Facebook likes until March 27th, 2014, will receive symbolic presents and will benefit a bank account of 10,000 leks, as an initial amount deposited at one of commercial banks in the system.
During the ceremony held on this occasion, the Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr. Ardian Fullani signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chairman of the Albanian Association of Banks, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil. The goal of this Memorandum is to encourage reciprocal cooperation on financial education of 9-grade schools, high schools, students and universities in the field of economy, finance and banks.
Another activity on Global Money Week for general high schools that have elected the module 'Personal Finance in your Hands' is giving them the opportunity to visit commercial banks in the country to get closely acquainted with the way banks function, their daily work and products.
The latest news on financial education activities organised during the Global Money Week will be posted on Bank of Albania's educational Facebook page at