Bank of Albania's Supervisory Council decisions, 4 March 2015

Publication date: 04.03.2015


Today, on 4 March 2015, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania held its regular meeting. In addition to the monetary policy decision to keep the key interest rate unchanged at 2.0%, inter alia, it discussed and decided on the following:

  • Amendment to the Regulation 'On bank's regulatory capital'

In line with the revised provisions of the EU Regulation on the activity of credit institutions, the amendment aims at ensuring sound regulatory capital for banks. In specific terms, the amendment establishes more appropriate relations between Tier 1 Capital and Tier 2 Capital

  • Amendments to the Regulation  'On risk management from large exposures of banks'

The amendments provide banks with the possibility to, while complying with the maximum permissible limits set out in the Banking Law, exclude in full or in part, exposures, not exceeding 80% of their value, to supervised institutions, which are assigned a 20% risk weight, in accordance with the capital adequacy regulation.