

Sheshi “Skënderbej“, Nr. 1, Tirana


Governor's Office
Legal Department
Human Resources Department
Research Department
Monetary Policy Department
Monetary Operations Department

Financial Statistics Department

Audit Department

Security and Protection Department
Issue Department ( For official correspondence only)


Selia Qendrore nr.2 e Bankës së Shqipërisë

Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit, nr.3 , Tiranë
Treasury Bills office 
Supervision Department
Financial Stability Department
Administration Department
Payment Systems, Accounting and Finance Department
Information Technology Department
Resolution Department

Bank of Albania Branch - Elbasan:

Lagjja "28 Nëntori", Rruga "11 Nëntori", pranë Prefekturës Elbasan, Elbasan

Bank of Albania Branch - Gjirokastra:

Lagjja "Varosh", pranë Qarkut Gjirokastër, Gjirokastër 

Bank of Albania Branch - Korça: 

Bulevardi "Gjergj Kastrioti", Korçë

Bank of Albania Branch - Lushnja:

Lagjja "Kongresi i Lushnjes", prapa Bashkisë Lushnje, Lushnje

Bank of Albania Branch - Shkodra:  

Lagjja "Qemal Stafa", Rruga "13 Dhjetori", pranë Prefekturës Shkodër, Shkodër 


+ 355 4 241 93 01

+ 355 4 241 93 02

+ 355 4 241 93 03

+ 355 4 241 94 09

+ 355 4 241 94 10

+ 355 4 241 94 11

Fax: + 355 4 241 94 08

General information:  [email protected]

Press Office:  [email protected]  

Statistics: [email protected]

Official hours: 08:15 -16:45